Hockey | Surbiton High School
shape shield section

Hockey Pre-Season

We will be running a Hockey Workshop on Friday 30 August 2024 from 12.30pm to 2.30pm at our Hinchley Wood Sports Ground, 65 Manor Road South, Esher, KT10 0QA.

This is an opportunity for pupils to meet the rest of the year group and to get to know each other and is a great, social event. Pupils do not need to be keen sportswomen, but just willing to take part and have fun.

Pupils will need to bring lunch and drinks with them, as well as a hockey stick, shin pads and gum shield. Pupils can wear their Surbiton High School PE kit if you have purchased this, but it is not compulsory.

General Information
Please note that participants will be asked to remove all jewellery, including ear piercings. To mitigate risk, participants will not be able to cover the piercings with tape/plaster. Those participants not able to remove piercings on the day will not be able to take part in the activities. If your daughter is looking to have her ears pierced over the summer, we strongly recommend that she has her ears pierced at the very start of the holidays (to give them a chance to heal) to avoid any disappointment in September.

If you have any questions regarding the workshop or hockey at Surbiton High School in general, please contact Mr Gall, Head of Hockey, at