The Surbiton High School podcast is a series that gives you an inside look at the School, staff and pupils who make Surbiton High School one of the most successful and enduring independent schools in the country. Episodes follow the Senior School and the Girls’ and Boys’ Preparatory Schools with the aim to share what life at Surbiton High School is really like, focusing on breadth of curriculum, sports, arts and the traditions of the School that make it what it is.
Episode 59 – Charity Focus: The Cold Feet Foundation, Nepal
In this episode, we sit down with the senior school librarian, Joe Humphreys, and we talk about one of our new charity focuses for the next few years: The Cold Feet Foundation, Nepal. The goal of this charitable endeavour is to support a school that has very little to its name. In the episode, Joe describes the lack of funding, lack of resources, and lack of suitable space for teaching & learning, including classrooms with mould growing up the walls and holes in the floor, a library with no books and a budget of 15p a day per person to feed hundreds of students. Joe has travelled to over 40 countries in his lifetime and often spends time volunteering when he travels. His connection to Nepal is a personal one and he speaks very movingly about why this is a worthwhile charity to support.