Boys’ Prep Drama & Dance | Surbiton High School
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Boys’ Prep Drama & Dance

At the Boys’ Prep, all pupils have the opportunity to take part in drama & dance lessons.

Drama lessons encourage pupils to broaden their expressive communication, develop dramatic skills, and comprehend a wide variety of texts. All boys have the opportunity to perform in front of an audience during their time at the Boys’ Prep. Reception to Year 2 present a Christmas-themed performance in the Autumn Term and Key Stage 2 combine for their production in the Spring Term.

From Year 3 to Year 6 the boys get a weekly 30 minute drama lesson to enhance their core skills that will help them not only on the stage but in later life too. In drama, we look at public speaking, engaging an audience, mime, as well as prop and play script work. As the boys develop their skills, they are given more opportunities to work from a script as well as composing their own scenes.

In Year 6 the boys participate in an end of year production, which allows them to display all the skills they have developed through Key Stage 2. Year 4 also support Year 6 in the end of year production, which gives them the opportunity to showcase their skills, as well as learning from the older boys. In the recent years, productions have included Seussical and Yee-ha!

All classes will present class assemblies throughout the year, and for the boys who want to get more involved in drama there is a weekly after school drama club for the boys and girls. This is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with our Girls’ Prep School.

Every year, boys are selected from upper Key Stage 2 to perform with the High School girls in their major production at the Rose Theatre. This unique chance provides a real taste of theatre for the boys, and an experience they will not forget.