We are able to accept late applications for Year 7 2025, for a waiting list place. Please contact the Admissions Department to begin the application process –, or 020 8439 1329.
At Surbiton High School, we have always strived to ensure a fair process for all applicants, from all backgrounds and all schools.
The Entrance Examination for September 2026 entry will take place on Saturday 22 November 2025. This is to allow for a two-part process for the Entrance Examination, with all candidates being interviewed as the second part of the process.
Our Entrance Examination tests a candidate’s ability in English and Maths. The assessments are designed to test National Curriculum content from Year 5 and the start of Year 6. The Maths paper and part of the English paper will be conducted as an online assessment taking place within the School. All pupils will be provided with an iPad to complete the assessments. There will also be a short, hand-written creative writing assessment that forms part of the English assessment.
The second stage of our entry process, after the entrance exam, will be a small group discussion with up to three candidates; this will allow us to meet with all candidates to provide a holistic overview of each child. We will be able to get to know your daughter better through this short, friendly conversation with Senior members of our team and it will provide an opportunity to discuss candidates’ motivations for joining Surbiton High School and their wider interests and hobbies, as well as the opportunity to engage in some friendly academic discussion. Your daughter does not need to prepare for the group interview.
The interviews will take place Surbiton High School throughout December and early January.
For FAQs regarding the small group discussion, please click here.
Our key priority remains the welfare of our pupils, staff and prospective families and as such, we have compiled Maths and English guidance for pupils and parents to support registered pupils. These will be sent out once we have confirmed your registration.
The timeline for the Application process for Year 7 2026 entry is as follows:
- Scholarship applications and Bursary applications for Year 7 2026 entry close at 12.00pm on Wednesday 8 October 2025.
- Applications for general registrations for Year 7 2026 entry close at 12.00pm on Monday 3 November 2025.
- For all applications, a registration fee of £200 (including VAT) or £250 (including VAT) if overseas, must be paid.
- As part of the admissions process, we will contact all applicant’s current schools, as usual, ahead of the Entrance Examination, to request a confidential report on their academic achievements and potential.
- The Entrance Examination will take place on Saturday 22 November 2025. Candidates will be tested on their English and Mathematics ability.
- All candidates will be invited to take part in the second part of the process. This will comprise a small group discussion which will take place in School throughout December 2025 and early January 2026. These sessions will be on a 1:3 basis and will take place at Surbiton High School, led by senior members of staff.
- We aim to inform all candidates of the outcome of the Entrance Exam, Scholarships and Bursaries as soon as possible. This is typically around the beginning of February.
- Successful candidates will be invited to our Offer Holder Day on Monday 23 February 2026. This day will not form part of the assessment process, but will allow candidates to find out more about the Senior School by experiencing the teaching, ethos, and our approach to learning. This day will also offer the opportunity to meet the Year 7 team, their fellow peers, and to take part in fun and exciting team building sessions.
- Acceptance paperwork should be returned to the School by 12.00pm on Tuesday 3 March 2026 along with a non-refundable £1,000 deposit paid via BACS.
- Once you have accepted the place, we look forward to welcoming your daughter to our Surbiton High School Community. Further information on induction days and forthcoming events to aid your daughter’s transition into the Senior School will be sent to you .
Owing to a small number of families relocating, we occasionally have spaces that become available in other year groups. Please contact the Admissions Department to ascertain the availability in the relevant year group before applying – Candidates applying outside of standard entry point at 11+ are required to sit an age-appropriate English and Mathematics paper, and will have an informal interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.