Boys’ Prep Entry Process | Boys' Prep School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Boys’ Prep Entry Process


  • We occasionally have spaces that become available throughout the year. To enquire about availability, please contact the Admissions team at or on 020 8439 1339.
  • If there is an available space, you will be invited to complete an application form and pay the £200 registration fee (or £250 if overseas). Your application will be reviewed and unless there are any concerns that need further review (for example, your child has an EHCP that must be formally reviewed), a formal offer will follow. On receipt of the acceptance form and payment of the non-refundable £1000 deposit, it will become a Confirmed Place. When confirmed pupil numbers reach our maximum class size, we will then add your son’s details to our waiting list.


  • We occasionally have spaces that become available in other year groups. Please contact the Admissions Department to ascertain the availability in the relevant year group before applying – Candidates applying outside of standard entry points are required to sit an age-appropriate assessment.


  • Registration for entry to Reception at our Boys’ Prep School for 2025 onwards can be made at any time (but not before birth). On receipt of the completed application form and the non-returnable fee of £200 (or £250 if overseas) you will receive written confirmation of your son’s Reserved Place, providing no waiting list is in operation.
  • Our families are encouraged to attend one of our Open Events, and a personal tour can be arranged on request.
  • A formal confirmed offer will follow, and places need to be accepted by the deadline stated in the offer letter. On receipt of the acceptance form and payment of the £1000 deposit, it will become a Confirmed Place. When confirmed pupil numbers reach our maximum class size, we will then add your son’s details to our waiting list and a confirmed place will be offered, where possible, after the acceptance deadline.

Surbiton High Boys’ Prep did wonders for my son. It provided a holistic approach to education which not only emphasised on excelling in academic ability but also provided an extremely nurturing environment for him to develop and grow.

Boys’ Prep Parent