Hockey | Surbiton High School
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11+ Hockey Scholarship Application Process

To be considered for a Hockey Scholarship, candidates must be exceptional players at their current school and ideally be playing for a club hockey team.

Application Requirements:

If you believe your daughter meets these criteria, please proceed by completing an application and submitting a portfolio. The portfolio should include the following:

  • School Representation: Details of school-level representation, including competitions participated in and achievements at both club and representative levels.
  • Club Information: Name of the club your daughter represents and contact details for her coach.
  • Sporting Achievements: A comprehensive list of your daughter’s sporting achievements relevant to the hockey scholarship application.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities: Information on any additional competitive sports your daughter participates in.
  • Playing Position: The position your daughter plays in hockey.
  • Media: All videos, photos, and documents should be uploaded to the Secure Transfer File provided by the Admissions team, using your daughter’s full name and a short descriptive title (e.g., JANE SMITH, Coach Reference).

Shortlisting of Candidates:

The Head of Hockey will review each portfolio. If necessary, they may visit during school or club level competitions to observe your daughter’s performance. Coaches or PE teachers of shortlisted candidates may be sent a reference request link to complete, so please ensure accurate contact details and a valid email address for the referees are provided in your application.

Assessment for Shortlisted Candidates:

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an assessment session. During this session, candidates may be asked to:

  • Complete skill-based tests individually or in small competitive situations.
  • Participate in gameplay.
  • Demonstrate decision-making skills and the ability to facilitate team play.


Thank you for your interest in our Hockey Scholarship programme. We look forward to reviewing your application.