YEAR 12 INTERVIEW SKILLS DAY | Boys Prep School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Posted: 2nd July 2021

Our annual Interview Skills Day this year took place on Thursday 1 July where each Year 12 student attended a mock career interview with a professional.

The objective of the day was to prepare students for the interviews they may face in the future, as well as getting them to think about and justify their career choices.

A new initiative introduced this year was for all interviews to be conducted virtually, with students and interviewers meeting online for the interview. Another innovation was for students to experience having an online AI run interview in addition to their “live” online interviews.  This new technology enabled students to watch recordings of the answers they give before being given feedback using AI software.

Increasingly, organisations are using these systems to pre-screen candidates and recruitment interviews are being conducted online so these initiatives  provided the ideal opportunity for students to gain experience of attending virtual interviews.

Overall, the students gained a lot from the day and the feedback received from the team of external interviewers has been excellent.

Feedback from Interviewers

What an impressive group of young women. Bravo to them and to SHS.

All the students were great, and they answered the questions really well.

All the students did a fantastic job and showed great enthusiasm for their studies and answered the questions clearly and well. I was particularly impressed with Sophie and Jade’s answers which were excellent. All of the students are a real credit to SHS and I wish them every success for the future.

What inspiring young people!

I really enjoyed meeting them all and hope they found it useful.

The girls were great as always.

…. they were all incredibly outgoing, friendly, positive and articulate girls. They all delivered brilliant responses to my questions and did themselves and the school very proud! I loved chatting to them all and hearing about their passions and future aspirations.

Categories: Senior School