Parents’ Association | Boys Prep School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Parents’ Association

The Surbiton High School Parents’ Association (SHSPA) exists with two broad goals – to bring our community together and raise funds for Wish List items and events that enrich the pupil experience.

Events held annually range from New Parents’ Suppers, Nearly New Uniform Sales, Prep School Discos, Quiz Night, Prep School Camping to the Christmas Fair and our newest addition Fireworks Night!

All of these events are run by a dedicated group of volunteer parents who work tirelessly to ensure that our parent community continues to thrive socially while raising wishlist funds. The Committee comprises of the following parent volunteers

Karl Fisher (Chair)

Alan Waterman (Co-Treasurer and Bonfire Night Lead)

Netty Williams (Co-Secretary)
Claire-Louise Smith (Co-Secretary)

Bianca Lorenzo (Communications)

Louise Enderby (Events Lead)
Georgina Campbell (Events Support)

Kellie Williams (GP Liaison)
Nishat Bharwani (Co – BP Liaison)
Gayle Black (Co- BPLiaison)
Uma Maken (SS Liaison)

Darshna Gorania (PA Quiz)

Sarah Greenberg ( Co- NNU Sales)
Anna Harris ( Co- NNU Sales)

Rakesh Patel (Parent Camping/Website

We are always looking for new members to join our team so please email the if you are interested.