VIRTUAL 30-MINUTE CHALLENGE 2.0 | Surbiton High School
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Posted: 18th January 2021

After a great turnout for November’s Virtual 30-Minute Challenge that saw Surbiton High School get the highest number of entrants out of five participating United Learning schools, January 16th heralded the challenge rematch!

After a great turnout for November’s Virtual 30-Minute Challenge that saw Surbiton High School get the highest number of entrants out of five participating United Learning schools, January 16th heralded the challenge rematch!

  • Date: 16/01/2021
  • Participants: 514 Total
  • Staff: 37
  • Students: 251
  • Parents: 177
  • Siblings: 49
  • Total Distance covered: 1980 Miles
  • Average Miles in 30 Minutes: 5.1
  • Organisers: Mr Newton and United Learning

It was excellent to see so many parents and pupils across all three schools pushing themselves on a very rainy and wintry Saturday. With the added twist of making every entered mile within the allotted 30-Minutes’ worth one House point, many people took to their bikes to blast out some impressive distances. As the day drew on, Mr Newton could see the times and efforts of our school community flooding in as the results were posted.

Things certainly started hotting up in the House table in all three schools, with Caernarvon taking the initial lead in both the Boys’ and Girls’ Prep School. Curie, Parks and Fonteyn took the early leads in the Senior School with multiple House points accruing for their respective House teams. The final table standings were to prove a little different though:

It’s worth noting that we also topped 2 out of 3 of the top spots in the overall United Learning competition in the ‘Total Participants’ and ‘Average Miles in 30 Minutes’ categories. The Top 5 fastest finishers in each category will be released very soon.

Many thanks to all those involved in motivating yourselves, your families and friends and for your brilliant efforts, despite the tumultuous weather!

Looking forward to the next challenge soon and all the very best,

Mr Newton

Director of Houses, Charity and Social Enterprise

Categories: Whole School