Year 7's Residential Trip to PGL Marchants Hill | Boys Preparatory School | Surbiton High School
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Year 7’s Residential Trip to PGL Marchants Hill

Posted: 19th September 2023

Surbiton High School’s Year 7 pupils have wrapped up the first fortnight of their academic journey with a residential trip to PGL Marchants Hill, Hindhead. This excursion has not only provided them with an opportunity to bond with their peers but has also allowed them to conquer personal boundaries, overcome fears, and create lasting memories.

The journey began with the famous giant swing, where Year 7 pupils worked together in teams to lift each other high into the air. This shared experience served as a fantastic icebreaker, fostering connections and creating new friendships. 

 After a hearty lunch, Year 7 took on problem-solving challenges and abseiling. They worked as a cohesive team to find solutions, emphasising the importance of collaboration and teamwork. These activities pushed them out of their comfort zones and allowed them to embrace new challenges, boosting their self-confidence in the process. 

On the second day of the trip, Year 7 were greeted by a beautiful sunny morning, setting the perfect stage for more exciting adventures. The day included raft building and conquering ‘Jacob’s ladder’. 

“I really enjoyed Jacob’s ladder and abseiling. The best part is you can meet new people and face your fears!” 


 The trip wasn’t just about physical challenges; it was also a brilliant opportunity for pupils to get to know each other and make meaningful connections. New friendships were forged, and pupils created memories that will last a lifetime.
 This residential trip marks the completion of the first fortnight at Surbiton High School for the new cohort, providing them with the perfect chance to spend quality time with their new peers.  

Find out more about the vast array of trips and visits we offer at the Senior School.



Categories: Senior School Year 7