In a remarkable tale of dedication and philanthropy, former pupil Jo Maiden (Cox) (1997) has carved a path to positive change. Jo’s journey led her to create Soko Kenya, a groundbreaking ethical clothing venture that transforms the lives of artisans in Kenya, and its charitable arm, the Kujuwa Initiative. The mission of Kujuwa is to empower Kenyan women and girls to have the same opportunities as boys by providing access to education, healthcare, and essential resources to ensure they do not miss school due to period poverty.
Surbiton High School proudly adopted the Kujuwa Initiative as one of its supported charities and the money raised during the last academic year has provided 3,159 girls in Kenya with Kujuwa kits. This will provide them with all the period product protection they need to attend school in confidence for up to 5 years!
Kujuwa Initiative: Bridging the Gap
When the Green & Silver Club learnt of the amazing work that Jo was doing in Kenya, we reached out to see how we could help. The School recognises the importance of extending a helping hand to alumnae like Jo Maiden, who are making a positive and lasting impact on the world. By embracing the Kujuwa Initiative, the school reaffirms its commitment to nurturing a generation of changemakers and advocates for a better world.
Jo Maiden’s remarkable journey from Surbiton High pupil to the founder of Soko Kenya and the Kujuwa Initiative serves as an inspiring example of the profound impact that individuals can have when they combine passion with purpose. Her story is a reminder that the spirit of Surbiton High School transcends the classroom, inspiring its alumnae to make a meaningful difference in the world.
Stay up to date with the Kujuwa Initiative on Instagram and Facebook, and Soko Kenya on Instagram.
Categories: Houses and Charity