The House System is an important part of School life. Each boy belongs to one of three Houses – Arundel, Balmoral or Caernarvon.
There are a number of competitions across the year in which the boys compete against each other while representing their House. These contests may vary each term. The year culminates in a House Sports Day, in which all pupils from both the Girls’ Prep and the Boys’ Prep Schools participate. Each House is led by a teacher and a House Captain and Deputy. The Year 6 boys are given the opportunity to put themselves forward as the most eligible candidates to lead their House to victory. The elected captains are responsible for leading their House for the rest of the year. Throughout each term, all the boys in the School are keen to receive House points that go towards the weekly totals.
As a new initiative, termly Junior House Captains are selected from Year 3 boys.
On an individual basis, boys also receive awards of bronze, silver, gold and platinum to celebrate their hard work and exemplary behaviour.
At Surbiton High Boys’ Preparatory School, we actively encourage and support boys to participate in a range of fundraising activities. Numerous fundraising events are held and celebrated throughout the year, reinforcing the School’s motto, ‘May Love Always Lead Us’ and supporting the ethos to serve and respect others.
At the start of the academic year, all boys are given the opportunity to nominate a charity for the School to support over the course of a term. They are required to give a short presentation to the School Council, detailing the reasons why the charity is important to them and the reasons why we should choose the charity. The School Council then shortlist four or five charities. These charities will then be presented in front of the whole School.
The pupils then select three charities for the following year to support. We try, wherever possible, to invite a representative from the charity to present an assembly to the School in order to broaden the boys’ knowledge of the importance of the charity. We also actively encourage and celebrate individual boys’ fundraising initiatives through assemblies.
Every September, a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are elected from Year 6. These two boys are joined by two representatives from each class (from Year 1 upwards) who are elected termly.
The School Council meet weekly to discuss the views of the class, concerns and suggestions.
Each term, the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson meet with Mrs S Johnston to discuss the issues of the School, discuss any actions taken and receive her valuable feedback.
The members of the School Council help with many charity events, through both the organisation and the running of the actual events.