Netball Roundup | Boys Prep School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Netball Roundup

Posted: 9th February 2023

Half Term Round Up

The pupils in Years 3 to 6 have represented the School and their House in netball over the last four weeks of this half term. The girls have been participating in BEE netball, a five-a-side format where they have the opportunity to play every position by rotating at the end of each quarter. We have seen brilliant levels of participation with all the pupils playing every week, representing Surbiton High School in over 50 fixtures. A huge well done to all the pupils, attending the fixtures with enthusiasm, determination, and a fantastic sense of community.


This term, the girls have taken part in a variety of BEE netball fixtures, playing over 10 different schools in home and away matches. For Years 3 and 4, they have taken part in their first fixtures and Years 5 and 6 have shown their progress in their fundamental netball skills and game awareness. Every single pupil has shown fantastic teamwork, resilience and passion for the sport – despite the ongoing battle with the English winter weather.

House Netball

As we edge towards the end of the netball term, the girls have come together in their Houses, showing a great sense of community, determination, and sportsmanship. It has been fantastic to see the girls take to the court, proud to be in their colours and showing off the skills they have learned over the last six weeks. As House netball will be continuing after half term, the final results will be announced soon… watch this space!

Year 6 Inclusive Tournament

Year 6 had a brilliant afternoon at the Holy Cross School U11 Inclusive Tournament. Six teams from Surbiton High Girls’ Prep School took to the courts, playing against five local schools. After five weeks of netball in their Games lessons, this was a fantastic way to end the netball half term. The girls have shown excellent progress learning the rules and set plays of BEE netball, which was clear after we received the results of 2nd place overall. A big shout out goes to the Sage team for winning 1st place in their pool and to the Green team for coming 2nd.

U11 IAPS Tournament

On Wednesday 8 February, the sun came out for our U11 IAPS netball tournament at Charterhouse School. The day began with our first game against The Study, winning 8-6 after a display of fantastic shooting to kickstart the day. After a close defeat from The Falcon School (3-2), the team showed resilience resulting in a 7-1 win against Glendower School. As a result of the morning success, coming top of our pool, the girls progressed to the quarter finals of the cup facing Wimbledon High School. Although the girls showed incredible moments of cohesive play, determination and team spirit, Wimbledon came out on top this time. We are extremely proud of this team for showing hard work, positivity and focus in both the lead up and throughout this tournament. Well done, girls!

Amber, Anais, Eva, Dhiyaani, Lola, Lauren, Phoebe and Sadie

Categories: Girls' Prep School