Junior Expedition to Morocco | Surbiton High School
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Junior Expedition to Morocco

Posted: 10th June 2022

We arrived in Marrakesh and went straight to the amazing riad we were staying in. We woke up to a lovely breakfast of rotis, honey and delicious Moroccan mint tea. We then headed into the Atlas Mountains to begin our 45-minute trek from Imlil to Armed. We got settled in our accommodation in Armed and then spent the next afternoon and next day acclimatising by trekking round Armed – the views were spectacular. We enjoyed eating delicious tagines and drinking even more Moroccan mint tea. Next, we trekked to the base camp of Mount Toubkal, where we stayed the night before our climb.

We got up early the next day to begin the summit. The terrain was very steep and we took it slowly. There were parts of the trek where we had to scramble using our hands and parts where we had to walk over snow! The whole group made it to the summit. Toubkal (at 4,100m) is the highest mountain in North Africa, so this was a huge achievement! We then started the descent. Going down was tricky because of how steep it was and the loose rocks. A few of us had tumbles! We were all exhausted when we eventually got back to base camp. We spend the next day and a half travelling from the Atlas Mountains, eventually arriving back in Imlil where we got a bus back to the riad and enjoyed some time by the pool. That afternoon, we went to the souks in Marrakesh. This was quite a cultural experience; we enjoyed looking at all the things to buy and tried out haggling. We then went back to the riad before flying home the next day.

Morocco Junior Expedition

Categories: Senior School