During his visit, Anthony McGowan captivated our pupils with the story behind his book Dogs of the Deadlands and shared insights into his life as an author. We are excited to share an article written by our Year 6 journalists at the Girls’ Prep below:
‘On Thursday 6 March, Year 6 of Surbiton High School (Boys’ Prep and Girls’ Prep) enjoyed an exciting visit from the author Anthony McGowan. We all listened intently as he explained why he wrote ‘Dogs of the Deadlands’. After reading a thrilling extract of ‘Dogs of the Deadlands’, he told us a little bit about life as an author. Later, some of us got our own copy! I could tell everyone was thoroughly engrossed as no one could tear their eyes from the book! Personally, I really loved reading the book and read whenever I could. I finished it in two days! I was sad when it had to end but I still found the story exciting and thrilling! I would recommend this book for anyone in Years 5 and 6, especially if they love animals!’
Written by Year 6 journalists
Categories: Boys' Prep School Girls' Prep School Prep Schools