On Friday, 19 April Surbiton High Girls’ Preparatory School celebrated the colour run, also known as Holi. Holi, the festival of colour, is a celebration of love, unity and triumph of good over evil. It marks the beginning of spring, and it is celebrated by Hindus all over the world.
We were all dressed in our white attire and we looked like a flock of sheep.
The parents of a Year 10 pupil narrated the story of Holi, followed by Bollywood dancing.
Everyone assembled in the car park, where the teachers doused us in coloured powder. It was like being in a rainbow tornado.
In the end, we all had colour on us and, we looked like walking rainbows.
It was a memorable event packed with fun, laughter and cheers.
Written by Year 6 Journalist Kimaya
Categories: Girls' Prep School