Girls' Prep Visit From Cressida Cowell | Private School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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Girls’ Prep Visit From Cressida Cowell

Posted: 16th October 2023

“I enjoyed Cressida Cowell’s author visit because it was really funny, and she made us laugh a lot. She made the teachers block their ears so they could not hear what we were talking about which was hilarious. Cressida Cowell also told us about what her life was like when she was our age. Each summer, she went to a Scottish island with her parents and stayed in a remote cottage. The children were allowed to run wild and, while she was exploring, she found a mountain which looked like a sleeping dragon which inspired her to write the ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ series of books. Hearing this story made me eager to read and write more. 

Cressida Cowell also told us about her new ‘Which Way to Anywhere’ series about a group of four unusual children. One of them has a map superpower which allows him to draw a fantasy world and create a doorway from our world into this new world. Unfortunately, aliens steal the boy’s baby brother as they think he is the one with the power! I couldn’t wait to read the books to find out what happened next.”

 Flora, 5F 

Not only did Cressida Cowell win over Key Stage 2 with her enthusiasm and imagination, but she also got to meet superfan, Emily in Reception. Cressida spent time in our library chatting with Emily about her love for the ‘Emily Brown’ series of books, which is so great that she even had an Emily Brown and Rabbit-themed birthday party last year! 

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Categories: Girls' Prep School Prep Schools