Science Museum Visit | Surbiton High School
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Science Museum Visit

Posted: 30th March 2022

On Thursday 24 March, our Year 2 boys visited The Science Museum in London. On arrival, they attended a workshop where they found out how to get people to the International Space Station and discovered what it is like in space. The interactive show explored aspects of living and working in space. They had a lot of fun finding out about the different job roles that astronauts have on the International Space Station. Miguel even dressed up as a NASA astronaut! After lunch, the boys headed to the Exploring Space Gallery where they saw a replica of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, otherwise known as ‘Eagle’. The boys had great fun finding out many different facts, including one that involved an astronaut not having a bath for three years! To end their trip, the boys saw the Apollo 10 Command Module. A great day was had by all and the boys left excited about human spaceflight.

Categories: Boys' Prep School