The Ugly Duckiling – 1N | Surbiton High School
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The Ugly Duckiling – 1N

Posted: 3rd February 2022

On Monday 31 January, 1N shared their performance of ‘The Ugly Duckling’ to the whole School. We are so pleased that we were able to offer a live performance, and would like to thank everyone for being so supportive with all our Covid restrictions. It was the first time that the girls have been the stars of their own play, and there were few dry eyes in the hall. Not only did the girls’ outfits, voices and singing all work brilliantly under the spotlight, but they also had the added pressure of performing in front of some VIP guests – their parents – who were invited to join the rest of the School in the audience. The girls performed with the kind of confidence that would make them look at home on the stage of a West End show.  


The parents stayed after the assembly to look through their daughters’ work so far this year, and congratulated our star performers for their efforts. We are very proud to be able to share with you this insight into the life of our fantastic School and its rich and diverse activities. We have loved having the parents in, giving them a flavour of life at School. We’re already looking forward to working closely with them and welcoming them back to School soon.


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