Every term our teachers nominate a pupil in their class to have a hot chocolate and a muffin with the Head who congratulates each girl in turn and explains the full reason for their nomination. This can range from being kind to their peers to displaying our values and is an event hugely enjoyed, especially by Mr Williams who gets to share and celebrate with both KS1 and KS2.
Congratulations to KS1, Ela, Ianthe, Claudia, Luni, Katia and Nora who attended for a variety of reasons, including:
‘She arrives at School each day with a smile and has an increasingly positive attitude towards her learning’.
‘She has consistently been a fantastic role model for her peers, through listening carefully and showing remarkable enthusiasm by putting up her hand to answer questions. She also shows respect to the rest of the class by showing that she is listening, by sitting still and looking at the person who is talking. ‘
‘She should be celebrated for her resilience and positive attitude. She has been working hard on her targets, including checking for capital letters and full stops. Whatever the task, she always wears a smile on her face and emanates good cheer. Well, done. You are a delight to have in the class.’
Categories: Girls' Prep School