students of surbiton high
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Posted: 27th July 2021

Starting Senior School is undoubtedly a time of huge transition for both children and parents alike. It is completely normal to feel a whole host of emotions as you prepare for the academic year ahead. Starting Senior School means moving away from the familiarity of your primary school; the familiar setting and friends. This move may make you feel a little nervous, but it is also an incredibly exciting chance to broaden your horizons and make new friends.

Parents too will also likely approach the transition with a little trepidation as Senior School naturally allows children more independence. Parents often lament the speed at which their child has grown up and this often requires a real shift in attitude as the parents’ role evolves to allow a more independent, mature teenager to emerge.

Below is some advice for our new Year 7 pupils as they embark on the next stage of their education (and a little advice for parents too!).


  • Let your daughter make some of their own mistakes and learn from them.
  • Perhaps tell your daughter of a time that you have made a mistake and what you learnt from it; emphasise the positives that come from failure.
  • Please allow your daughter some more independence. This is no longer primary school and it is the natural order of things.
  • Get to know other parents through the Parents Association.


  • Be open-minded; step out of your comfort zone, speak to new people and look forward to new opportunities and activities.
  • Remember that friendships take time to develop. Set yourself a target to speak to every member of your Form by the end of the first week (even if it’s just a quick introduction!). This will help you to get to know as many people as possible.
  • Don’t be afraid of getting lost or not getting things right the first time. This is all part of the settling in process and we will help you to navigate your way through the first few weeks.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You will have a huge support network at Surbiton High School from your Head of Year, to Form Tutors, Teachers and Big Sisters; everyone is there to help you.
  • Be organised. Pack your bag the night before, plan when you will complete your homework and learn your timetable. But don’t worry if you don’t get it quite right the first time!
  • Embrace the many Co-curricular clubs that are on offer to you and try new things. But, ensure that you always have at least one lunchtime free to simply spend time with your new friends!
  • Above all, have fun and keep smiling!

Rebecca Francis

Head of Year 7

Categories: Senior School Year 7