On Thursday 7 November, the Reception girls visited the British Wildlife Centre. We had so much fun exploring the centre and learning all about the animals in the winter sunshine.
We started with visiting the foxes: Ted, Dobby and Flo. We learnt that they are very greedy; eating chicken, pasta, and even pizza boxes! Next, we saw the Scottish Wildcat and her kittens. We decided we wouldn’t want to get in the enclosure with them as they are not very friendly.
After this, we went to visit the red squirrels. We loved seeing them darting around in the trees and along the fences. They enjoyed nibbling on their food and were chasing each other around.
Throughout the day, we visited the theatre, where we learnt about the different animals we might find in our gardens. The keepers talked about rabbits, badgers, squirrels, bats, owls, and lots of other animals that enjoy making their homes in our gardens.
Following a break to eat our delicious packed lunch, we visited the barn. Inside, we were able to see rats, mice, rabbits, and a beehive. A highlight of the trip was meeting Snoop Hog the hedgehog who was starting to hibernate. We also got to meet Hedwig the owl and we learnt that owls have one ear at the top of their head and one at the bottom!
Categories: Girls' Prep School