Sport has been a huge highlight for plenty of the girls since returning to School, and being able to share and interact with each other onsite or down at Hinchley Wood.
It is evident they have missed playing team games, and it is such a joy to see their bright smiles shining and challenging themselves to continue where they left off last year. KS1 pupils have enjoyed being involved in PE lessons, both at Hinchley Wood focusing on ball skills, and onsite concentrating on gymnastics and fundamental movement and ball skills onsite.
The KS2 girls have enjoyed learning and challenging themselves in a variety of hockey skills over the past three weeks, and it will be great to see these skills in match play during House Hockey in a couple of weeks’ time. They have also been involved in sports leadership, dance and SAQ lessons, and broadening their understanding and development in Physical Education which is satisfying to see. Sport clubs have started again, and the extra practice time and opportunity to be involved in a wide range of sports enables the girls to thrive and blossom into expansive, holistic sportswomen.
Categories: Girls' Prep School