Reflections on the Principal’s First Term | Surbiton High School
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Reflections on the Principal’s First Term

Posted: 21st March 2018

a teacher talking to two students

As the first term of 2018 is nearly complete, we caught up with the new Principal, Rebecca Glover, to get her thoughts on her first term at the helm of Surbiton High School.

What has inspired you during your first term?
The pupils have been truly inspirational. Their determination, resilience and willingness to have a go are remarkable. It has been such a privilege to also meet with every member of staff and discuss with them their overriding ambitions for the girls and boys in the School. Their passion for the pupil outcomes, both academic and personal, are outstanding, making it such a privilege to lead this School.

What is your view of Surbiton High School so far?

Having been part of United Learning for a number of years, I was already aware of the strengths of Surbiton High School. However, now leading the School, I can see that its strength lies not just in the results, both academic and Co-curricular, but it permeates through everything that we do. There is a real sense of purpose amongst the girls and the staff, and a real sense of having no barriers. The girls are encouraged to be themselves and to quite literally reach for the stars. It is so encouraging to hear the girls talk about their futures and what they want to achieve. They are an inspiration and a joy to work with.

More recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing for the Head Girl team.   I was blown away by the confident, articulate, rounded and grounded young people in front of me. My hope for the future is that we will continue to educate young women, who will go out into society as ambitious, happy and confident.

What have been the highlights so far?

There have been so many in such a short space of time. To name a few: Having Mother’s Day tea in both the Girls’ and Boys’ Prep and listening to them sing and serve tea; watching the Fashion Show, which was simply amazing and really showcased how well the girls work together and how creative they are. It was also such a pleasure to hear of the achievements and dedication of the Rowing Club girls at the inaugural dinner. Further to this, seeing the School awarded the TES Creativity Award for all the work with our Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Writer-in-Residence, and generally seeing and feeling the buzz of Surbiton High School day in day out, has been a truly rewarding experience.

What has been your biggest achievement since the start of term?

Meeting with all the staff and learning their names has been a real achievement.  However, my focus here now moves to learning all the pupils’ names, which I hope to do in the Summer Term. Successfully completing the more recent Compliance Inspection is also an achievement I am especially pleased with.  I am impressed with how well the staff pull together and, in particular, by the hugely positive feedback from parents on the parental questionnaire.

Which areas do you believe require improvement/strategy?

It has been a pleasure this term to work with the Governing body, United Learning and the Senior Leadership Team to formulate the next strategic plan. We have created a ten year campus and facilities plan which involves the renovation of the Sixth Form, the creation of a performing arts centre and a sports hall. The facilities plan will hopefully be shared in more detail with parents during the Autumn Term. We always need to be mindful of government changes and preparing the pupils for external exams under the new framework is clearly an area that is always at the forefront of learning and teaching.

Rebecca Glover


Categories: Senior School Staff Information