Appointment of Principal | Surbiton High School
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Appointment of Principal

Posted: 28th March 2017

Following an extensive recruitment exercise which attracted some excellent candidates from across the country, we are very pleased to announce that we have appointed Mrs Rebecca Glover to succeed Ms Haydon as Principal of Surbiton High School.

Mrs Glover is currently Head at our Hull Collegiate School and so is already very familiar both with Surbiton High and United Learning. Likewise, we know that she is an extremely effective and successful Head, who will continue to develop Surbiton High in line with its ethos and values.

Throughout the interview process she impressed us by her enthusiasm for the role, her understanding of Surbiton’s strength and her commitment to continuing to build the school’s excellent reputation. We are confident that she will be an excellent and popular Head of the School.

A graduate of the University of Leeds, Mrs Glover has spent her career in teaching, is a trained ISI Inspector and holds the National Professional Qualification for Headship. She has taught at and held leadership roles in schools including Hymers College, Roundwood Park School and Tadcaster Grammar School and was appointed Head of Hull Collegiate in 2014.  She has extensive experience of all through schools and both single sex and co-educational environments. An accomplished athlete, Mrs Glover represented Great Britain in gymnastics and in her spare time has completed marathons in London and New York, led teams of divers off the Great Barrier Reef and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro.

Mrs Glover will take up her post full time after Christmas but will be working alongside the Governors and Senior Leadership Team throughout the Autumn Term and will spend time as necessary at the school. During the Autumn term, Mr Silas Edmonds will be Acting Principal and will provide the consistency and continuity needed during this transition.

Mrs Glover and her family are looking forward to moving to Surbiton and to her taking up the post. Her daughter will join the Girls Prep School. In the meantime Mrs Glover and Ms Haydon will work together on the planning for the next academic year.

Over the coming weeks Mrs Glover will be visiting the school to meet staff and pupils and we will ensure that an opportune occasion is found for her to meet parents at a school event.

In making this appointment, we are extremely confident that we have found the right Principal for the future of Surbiton High School as it continues to provide an excellent education for its pupils of all ages.

Yours faithfully


Mr Jon Coles                                                                                               Mr Adrian McKeon

Chief Executive, United Learning                                                          Chair of Governors, Surbiton High School

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