Fees | Independent School Surrey | Surbiton High School
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At Surbiton High School, we strive to provide a tailored, holistic approach to education.

We instil our pupils with positive, life-long Learning Habits that ensures pupils are academically challenged by a rich curriculum and Co-curricular opportunities. This investment in our teaching and learning has led to fantastic results.

Together with our Charter for Happiness and Well-being, our pupils leave Surbiton High School equipped for the future ahead of them with high academic results, strong in character, self-belief and stamina, and with the right learning habits that will aid their future success and outlook on life.

We would welcome the opportunity to share with you our vision of your child’s education at Surbiton High School. If you would like to visit one of our Open Mornings, please enquire here.

Surbiton High School is proud to be able to offer financial assistance with fees in the form of means tested bursaries for the Senior School, at 11+ and Sixth Form entry, to assist families with providing a Surbiton High School education for their child.


Fees cover the normal curriculum tuition together with most books and stationery.

In addition to fees, extras on your bill could include items such as lunches, which are compulsory from Reception to Year 7 inclusive, private music lessons, fees for public examinations, trips and visits, charges for co-curricular activities, school coaches, learning support, extra tuition and Breakfast or After School Club. These are billed termly, at the end of each term. In order to discontinue extras, one term’s notice in writing to the Head of Finance, is required.

Fees are reviewed annually.


Fees can be paid in instalments either termly or monthly.

If you are paying by termly direct debit, the first payment will be debited on 1 September (or the next working day), with  the next payment due on 1 January and  the final payment on 15 April.

If you are paying by monthly instalments, the first payment will be debited on 1 August (or the next working day) and payment will continue over the next 12 months with the final payment on 1 July.


On acceptance of a place, a £1000 Acceptance Deposit is payable. If you wish to pay the deposit electronically, please use these bank details, quoting the pupil’s surname as a reference:

Account Name: United Church Schools Trust, Barclays Bank, 8 Market Place, Kettering, Northants NN16 0AX

Account Number: 50748285

Sort Code: 20-46-50

IBAN Number: GB57 BARC 2046 5050 748285

SWIFT Code Number: BARCGB22

The deposit is retained by the School and will be returned once a pupil leaves and only once all disbursements are cleared and School belongings have been returned and confirmed to be in full working order.


Parents have the option of choosing to join a Fees Refund Scheme.

What the Scheme Covers

A refund will be made if your child is absent from school for a period of at least five consecutive full days (including weekends and half-term breaks) because your child is ill, has had an accident or has been in contact with an infectious disease.

If the school is forced to close due to an outbreak of an infectious disease amongst the pupils or staff, which makes tuition impossible, a refund would be made. There is no cover for the first seven days of any such closure. For example, if the school is closed for eight days due to an outbreak of an infectious disease at the school the Scheme would refund one day’s fee. The total amount of all refunds that will be made for any one child for any one medical condition, or series of related medical conditions is 280 days.

There is no cover for closure directly or indirectly caused, contributed to or arising from any new or ongoing pandemic or epidemic or disease.

If you wish to participate in this scheme, administered by Marsh Ltd, please provide your consent by circling the appropriate option in the ‘Insurances and Fees Refund Scheme’ section on the acceptance form and signing the relevant section. Fees for this scheme will then be added to your termly bill.

Do you offer a sibling discount?

If you have more than one child attending any of the three Surbiton High Schools at the same time, they will be eligible for a sibling discount. The discount for the second sibling is 5%, rising to 10% for the third and any subsequent siblings.